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About Donna Meyer

The writing bug hit me early in high school I found an outlet for releasing feelings through poetry and short story writing. Although I have had to deal with dyslexia, my whole life I found the release writing gave me relieving. With four kids, food is always an issue with four boys who love to eat. I love experimenting in the kitchen with new and exciting flavors to always bring something new to the table. In today's day and age feeding, a family of six is a challenge to bring healthy well-balanced meals to the dinner table.This often takes the form of hot soups; boneless chicken dishes and many wonderfully baked and refrigerated deserts to keep our guys happy.


During the summer, this often involves many fresh garden vegetables and of course grilling is a must. We almost never use prepackaged food, as it is not as healthy for you. We try to stay away from all the additives and preservatives these contain. Luckily my husband's Mom loves to garden and organic is the only way to grow stuff that is more nutritious and healthier for you.


This love of food and writing blends perfectly and we hope to keep bringing you new articles for many years to come on the many different aspects of food, recipes, and running a web business.


I hope you like are articles and our websites we put a lot into them to make them the best we can and leading sources for quality information on feeding your family in today's fast paced lifestyle. We always try to make information that will help you get the most out of your kitchen and food budget plus deliver a new and exciting taste to your table.

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